A service of celebration for 200 years of The Episcopal Church in Wisconsin was held Saturday, October 29 at the Church of the Holy Apostles, Oneida, Wisconsin. The eucharistic service included historical presentations, greetings from the Presiding Bishop and Oneida Tribe, sermon by Bishop Jeff Lee, and an offering of the Te Deum in the Oneida Language. An offering of $1,285 was received with half to our companion diocese of Masvingo and half to the Oneida Emergency Food Pantry.
It was 1822 when The Episcopal Church officially entered what would become Wisconsin. It arrived with members of the Oneida tribe who took up residence near Duck Creek, near Green Bay, following removal from their New York homelands. Some were members of an Episcopal mission in New York. The Oneida continued worshipping in the Episcopal tradition on land which now is home to Holy Apostles Episcopal Church.
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