The Rev. Dcn. Sandra Muinde retired from active ordained ministry May 7, 2022. 11 years earlier, she was ordained deacon and assigned to serve at Trinity, Oshkosh. Prior to ordination, she had been an active lay member there since 1969. Dcn. Sandy is well known across the diocese. She served on the Executive Council and Standing Commission, been a General Convention deputy and served on numerous committees and commissions. She is a Cursillista and Bishop's Cross award recipient. "This does not mean that I will no longer be a Deacon, it means I will step down from actively serving on a regular basis at Trinity." she shared in a letter to the parish. "I am not going anywhere. I will continue to be a regular communicant and assist with some ministries as needed and as I am able to do so." The Rev. Dr. Christopher Corbin has accepted a call to serve as Priest-in-Charge of Trinity Episcopal Church in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Growing up in Florida, Corbin attended Florida Southern College, earned an M.Div. from Yale Divinity School, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University. Ordained a priest in 2019, Corbin is currently serving on the diocesan staff of the Diocese of South Dakota The people of Trinity, working with Bishop Matt Gunter and the Rev. Meredyth Albright, diocesan Transition Ministry Officer began seeking a priest to serve after the former Rector announced his resignation. As noted by the Senior Warden in a letter to the parish, "Even as we expressed our heartfelt appreciation for and made our farewells to Rector Chris Arnold and Celeste Williams, our Vestry began to focus on Trinity's future." A Priest-in-Charge canonically has the same duties and responsibilities as a Rector, but is often used when a congregation makes a call resulting from a process differing from the normal search process. The congregation and Bishop may decide to translate Fr. Corbin's position to that of Rector in the future. Fr. Chris's wife, the Rev. Portia Corbin, has been called to serve as Vicar of St. John's Episcopal Church, New London. The have two children, Louisa and Millie, and will live in Oshkosh. His first Sunday is Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021.
The Rev. Christopher Arnold has announced his resignation as Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Oshkosh, to pursue the changing shape of his ministry. "The exact shape of my future is unknown right now." Arnold shared in a letter to the parish, "but I believe it lies in a strong dedication to contemplative prayer, retreat work, and spiritual direction, in greater silence and solitude." Fr. Chris has served Trinity since January 2016, serving previously in the Diocese of Kansas. His last Sunday will be February 14th. There will be opportunities for good-byes virtually as well as individual "drop-in" times for those who wish to meet in person, observing pandemic precautions. Fr. Chris and Celeste will remain in Oshkosh and he continues to be a Priest of the Church. The leadership of Trinity has begun working with the Rev. Meredyth Albright, diocesan Transition Ministry Officer, in this season of transition.
The Lake Winnebago parishes (Trinity, Oshkosh; St. Thomas, Menasha; All Saints, Appleton; Cathedral of St. Paul, Fond du Lac) are coming together for an evening of food, fellowship and worship at Praise in the Park. Anyone is welcome to join in! Gather Shelter #1 in Rainbow Park (on the Fox River), Oshkosh on Sunday, August 12 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will include testimonials about the recent mission trip to Puerto Rico.