From the Happening leadership: Following several months of discernment between Happening leadership, the Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator, diocesan administrative staff, and the Bishop, the very difficult decision was made to cancel the upcoming Happening weekend in March. At this time, the Happening program will be put on, what we hope to be, a temporary hiatus. We apologize for any inconvenience or hardship this may cause those wishing to participate as either candidates or staff. That said, we extend our deep gratitude for St. Anne’s, De Pere who had been planning to host, as well as to our leadership team (students & adults) for their willingness to serve and work through this process. In light of this news, we’d like to remind families around the diocese that there are still upcoming opportunities available for students to get plugged in within the diocesan youth community. There will be a 30 Hour Famine event at St. Thomas, Menasha (open to grades 6-12 & adult leaders) Feb. 14-15, and there is no cost to attend. Those in grades 9-12 will also have the opportunity to represent their congregations, as well as the Diocese of Fond du Lac, at the 2020 Province V Youth Event at Bellwether Farm Camp & Conference Center in the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio Feb. 28-Mar. 1. Cost is $100/person, and the diocese will cover travel costs (sign up has been extended to Feb. 10). Finally, those in grades 9-12 are welcome to apply by Jan. 31 to be part of the diocesan delegation to the 2020 Episcopal Youth Event, July 6-12 (travel dates included) in Washington, D.C. EYE is a triennial gathering of Episcopal high school students from all over the world, and it is an incredible opportunity to see a bigger view of the church. If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact Erin Wolf at [email protected]. Please continue to keep those connected to Happening in your prayers, and please continue to pray for and support the youth of the Diocese of Fond du Lac. Comments are closed.